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« Previous Page Table of Contents Next Page »The Crown Theatre complex in Annapolis Harbor, Maryland is an incred-ible peice of architecture in the portolio of James Thomas Martno. Atached to an existng shopping mall, this 61,000 square foot additon fits nicely with the existng mall and appropiately marries the mall and adjacent parking structure. The 11-theatre complex is comprised of 2,600 seats which includes 3 large sized auditoriums and 8 moderate to small size auditoriums. The main passageway that leads to these 11 theatres rhythmically and playfully provides visual releif for the patrons. The color scheme and use of creatve geometric lightng affects throughout the theatre makes for a more approachable experience and gives the patron a greater sense of ambiance. The dramatc curvalinear shapes that accent and define both the main lobby and the passageway to the theatres evokes the images of boats sailing into the Annapolis Harbor and the long history an traditon of this maritme city.
11 Theatre Complex
James Thomas Martino, Architect, P.C.
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