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« Previous Page Table of Contents Next Page »The intenton of this proposal is to provide immediate, affordable temporary shelter for the survivors of the disastrous Hait earth-quake. We as architects understood the need for using simple, inexpensive materials, and in being sensitve to the need for ease of producton. Therefore James Thomas Martno and his staff offer the following soluton that can be quickly mass produced, light in weight and therefore can afford the ability for several hundred to be air-freighted into Hait in one shipment. This proposal is sensitve to the understanding that the erecton of these temporary shelters will be performed by people of Hait.
The design strategy takes under consideraton several key concerns: 1) Provide a soluton that will be easy to fabricate by using simple, inexpensive materials.
2) The soluton must be able to be condensed to a minimal size to afford as many as possible of these temporary shelters to be shipped in every airfreight delivery.
3) The survivors must be able to erect these shelters with relatve ease and effort.
Therefore, as one reviews the following images, one must approach this proposal with that noton that this is temporary housing only. Considering the conditons that the people of Hait are forced to live under, in simple terms, our efforts in this proposal intend to elevate the temporary living and humane conditons for the survivors and with any luck give them a sense of HOPE!
Hope For Haiti Disaster Relief
James Thomas Martino, Architect, P.C.
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